
E.T.'s Toy Closet & Photo Spot

Location: Universal Studios Florida – Woody Woodpecker’s Kidzone

The E.T. gift shop is tucked away from the main drag a little bit so you might miss it if you aren’t careful. Naturally the E.T. Adventure ride exits this way, but the gift shop is a must-see even if you decide to pass on the flying bicycle journey.

Anyone who’s familiar with E.T. will instantly recognize the plethora of movie references in the merchandise here. Naturally you’ll find E.T.’s favorite candy, Reese’s Pieces, as well as Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. If you want a more lasting version of this piece, you can get plush versions of the Reese’s candy bag as well. All the hoodies in this store are red – a no-so-subtle nod to Elliot’s attire for most of the movie.

Additional film merchandise includes E.T. toys, plush dolls, keychains and t-shirts. Solar system-themed toys such as “Moon in My Room” fill out the inventory.

The other main draw of this gift shop is the unique opportunity to get souvenir pictures taken in the back of the store. Two backdrops are available for guests to pose with. One features a bicycle you can climb on, with E.T. in the basket and the full moon glowing behind you. The second setting is E.T. in the closet wearing a floral shirt and blonde wig with clothing and toys surrounding him. The closet backdrop includes two small benches and is ideal for visitors who want more than one person in their picture.

Watch the original “E.T. Extraterrestrial” before your visit if you get a chance so you'll really appreciate this shop. This truly classic film is a gem today’s parents can share with their kids while reminiscing about the time they first saw E.T. as a child themselves.

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