
How to Find Guest Parking at Universal Orlando

Here at Universal Landing we get a lot of emails from Team Members telling us how guests always seem to accidentally end up in the employee parking lot. After scouting the parking lot ourselves,we can understand where the confusion may come from.

The lot is obviously connected to the parks, as you can clearly see places like Krustyland and Hogwarts from the road. There are large signs that say “Universal Orlando Resort,” with a much smaller (and more difficult to read) “Human Resources” under it. When you park and approach the gate, there are security guards awaiting your arrival. If you know nothing about theme parks, it could be easy to assume you’re in the correct place.

You are not.

The easiest way to determine if you’re parking in the correct spot is to ask yourself one simple question: did you pay to park? If yes, then you’re probably in the right place. Also, the official guest lot is a giant two-section parking structure with five levels for parking. Did you not enter a huge parking garage with Universal-themed sections? Are you simply standing in a large parking lot? If you find yourself in the latter, then you are in the incorrect lot.

Universal Orlando’s Human Resources has an address that is often confused for the resort’s address. As such, this location is put into GPS units and guests find themselves in, you guessed it, the employee lot.

For you GPS users, the official address of the Universal Orlando Resort is:

6000 Universal Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32819

This address will take you to the main parking garage for the resort.

What’s that you say? A simple address isn’t good enough for you? You’re an advanced GPS user? That’s okay. Below you’ll find the Geocode that can be programmed into a GPS unit that will take you directly to the main guest parking:

Latitude: 28.47399
Longitude: -81.46228

Always remember that Universal Orlando was designed with people who may never have been from to this country in mind, so it’s fairly simple to navigate. There are gigantic signs that point to any possible location that you may need to get to. Once you make it to the resort, follow these signs and you’ll be fine.

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