
Halloween Horror Nights 22 Houses Announced

The entire listing of houses for HHN 22 has been announced. Though there doesn't seem to be an identifiable icon as yet, the underlying theme of many of these features Perhaps these themes will conveniently allow the park's myriad construction products to continue unhindered throughout the event because - hey! it's all part of the scenery! Accompanying the previously announced houses are the following additions:


The Gothic - This house is (surprise!) undergoing a renovation. By night, the angry resident gargoyles come to life to attack trespassers and protect what is theirs.

Universal's House of Horrors - This house features classic horror movie characters in retro black and white glory. Preserved in silver celluloid, these creates have been waiting for years to return and strike terror in the hearts of their victims once more.

Dead End - Based on the Hartford Mansion of Carey, Ohio, this haunted house carries a terrible curse. Here, perception and reality are equally dangerous. Though residents believe the house to be the site of myriad horrors, the truth is worse than anything they could have imagined.


Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure - This annual staple comes back with a new collection of pop culture jokes.

20 Penny Circus - This is a magic show designed for "people of questionable taste." 

Scare Zones

Replacing the myriad richly themed zones of previous years is a park-wide zone where the scaractors will roam unchecked. This random assortment of creatures, dubbed the Legions of Horror, has been summoned by the Iniquitus. Bringers of death, these creatures were unearthed by the construction. They've called upon the Dark Legions to come tearing up through the concrete to terrorize guests.

Members of the legion fall into one of several categories, including vampires, beasts, warriors, prisoners, traditionals, and walkers (read, miscellaneous extras.) 

If you want a taste of the action this year, you can buy your tickets online now. HHN takes place on select nights from September 21 through October 31. 

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