
Halloween Horror Nights 21 Ultimate Scare Touring Plan

Make the most of your Halloween Horror Nights visit with a touring plan that will get you into every house and scare zone with no backtracking. This event only comes around once a year and it’s never the same twice, so you’ll want to make sure you don’t miss a single thing.

Enter the park and head right onto Hollywood Blvd, toward the “7” Scare Zone. This scare zone changes throughout the night, so you’ll get to see these sins in their full beauty if you pop through first thing.

Continue straight into the “Grown Evil” scare zone.

When you exit “Grown Evil” continue straight ahead and veer to the left into the “Canyon of Dark Souls” scare zone.

Upon exiting “Canyon of Dark Souls” loop around to the right and follow the path along the entrance of the Animal Actors theater. Head across towards E.T to the entrance of “The Forsaken” queue (1).

Exit “The Forsaken” through the Barney theater (2) and come out right beside “The In Between.” Enter the queue for this (3).

Exit “The In Between” near The Simpsons (4).
Check your park map for show times for “Bill and Ted.” If you’re within 60 minutes of the show grab a drink and get in line. Aim to see “Bill and Ted” sometime after exiting the “In Between” and before going to “H.R. Bloodengutz.” Use “Nevermore” and “Saws and Steam” to kill the appropriate amount of time to get you to the next show.
Get into the queue for “Nevermore: The Madness of Poe” (5).

Exit “Nevermore” in the same spot as the “In Between” exit (6). Head down the street past Men in Black and the “Bill and Ted” theater and turn left toward Jaws. Get in line for “Saws N’ Steam" by Jaws (7).

Exit “Saws N’ Steam” in Amity (8) and head towards San Francisco.
Check your watch and your park map for “Death Drums” show times. You’ll catch this show at the corner of the lagoon by Mel’s Die In and the Back to the Future vehicle display. Perfect times to catch it are just before you enter “Your Luck Has Run Out,” after exiting “The Thing,” “Nightingales” or “Winter’s Night,” or after coming out of “Nightmaze.”
Pass Disaster and enter the queue for “H.R. Bloodengutz Presents Holidays of Horror” by the Beetlejuice stadium (9).

Come out of “H.R. Bloodengutz” by Disaster (10). Head back down the street past the entrance you just went in and into New York. Enter the “Your Luck has Run Out” scare zone across from the Back to the Future vehicle display. This takes you up a small New York alleyway and comes out across from the arcade.

Pass the Mummy and enter the “Acid Assault” scare zone. Take your time wandering this street and make sure you watch the full effect of the crumbling buildings.

Turn right at the Tribune toward the New York Public Library façade and enter the queue for “The Thing” (11).

Exit “The Thing” down the street from Twister (12).

Head up to Twister and get in line for “Nightingales Blood Prey” (13).

Exit “Nightingales” (14) and turn right away from Twister towards the Universal Music Stage. Enter the queue for “Winter’s Night: The Haunting of Hawthorn Cemetery” (15).

Come out of “Winter’s Night” up the street near Twister. Turn right again and head past the Monster Café towards Shrek. Turn left into the alley just before Shrek and enter the “Nightmaze” scare zone.

Continue down the street after exiting “Nightmaze.” Make a U-turn before you get back to “Grown Evil” and head down Hollywood Blvd again. Enter the “7” scare zone a second time and head through this last at the end of your night. This time you’ll see the horrid transformation of the once alluring sins as they emerge in their true form.

After exiting “7” you can head left out of the park, assured that you’ve seen it all. If you have time, however, you may want to go back in and test your luck again in your favorite houses or zones of the night.

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