
Universal Studios Store - USF

Location: Universal Studios Florida – Production Central

The Universal Studios Store carries every type of Universal merchandise you could want, sporting all the company’s characters, movies, shows and attractions. The store is huge, but still gets very crowded, making it seem nearly impossible to take it all in if you hit during a busy time.

If you decide to stop through this mega gift shop, do it on your way out, not in. That way you can browse the merchandise at a more leisurely pace and pick out as many items as your budget allows, without having to lug them through the park with you.

The Universal Studios Store isn’t necessarily the best place to get ride-themed merchandise, since you’ll find greater variety at the attractions themselves. However, this store is perfect for several things:
  • Picking up attire and accessories with the Universal company logo
  • Grabbing gifts you forgot earlier as you head toward the exit
  • An air conditioned path to get you down the street a little ways without standing in the sun, heat, humidity and/or rain (just be sure to keep moving – gathering inside the doors and just standing there is a major breach of basic vacation etiquette)

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