
Islands of Adventure Trading Company

Location: Islands of Adventure – Port of Entry

The Islands of Adventure Trading Company is home to a wide assortment of souvenirs themed to characters and attractions from throughout the park. To fit with the area’s story, the shop décor has a fun explorer theme. The merchandise displays are topped with mannequins decked out in full expedition attire, surrounded by maps, well worn books and souvenirs from their travels. An authentic prehistoric fossil (replica) is impressively suspended over the front registers. A colorful hot air balloon parked in the center of the store marks the photo pick up spot.

Unfortunately, all of these carefully themed touches are almost lost amid shelf after shelf of merchandise with the full assortment of characters including Shrek, Things, Cat, Betty Boop, Scooby Doo, Simpsons, etc. etc. And of course, lots and lots of Harry Potter. If you weren’t able to push through the crowds in the Wizarding World to get your Potter gear, this is next best place to do it. The IOA Trading company is also a good place to find an extensive variety of attire with the Universal logo on it.

If you’re after other character items, however, you’re typically better off shopping at a specialized shop for that attraction, movie or show. You’ll always find the best variety at the specifically themed gift shops, whereas this one covers so much it can only offer the tip of the iceberg for each subject.

If you’re dragging your feet on your way out on a hot day, pop into this shop at the far end, beside the “Island Expressions” outdoor shopping area. From here you can browse the entire length of the shop, picking up any forgotten gifts, as you make your way toward the exit. This gives you a cool, dry path up the street that’s far better than the blistering walkways outside.

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