
Dervish and Banges/The Owl Post

Location: Islands of Adventure – Wizarding World of Harry Potter

If you’re not familiar with the Harry Potter books and films, Dervish and Banges is a magical repair shop. In the Wizarding World, this is something of a catch-all gift shop which carries an assortment of products including brooms, cauldrons and Quidditch supplies.

A Monster Book of Monsters is on display in a heavily armored cage, but it takes some maneuvering to push close enough to get a really good look at it.

Dervish and Banges runs right into the Owl Post. If you have some mail to send to folks back home, be sure to take it here, where you can get an exclusive Hogsmeade postmark. The Owl Post is also the only place in the park where you can get your own special wand. Though character wands are available in many locations, the wands here are selected just for you according to your birthday month.

Though both sides of this gift shop are immensely cramped and crowded, try to take a moment to look upwards. Owls, piles of packages and broom displays take the intricately detailed theming all the way to the ceiling.

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